
Online Mediation Services for Separating Couples

Communicating with your Spouse

Communicating your spouse

Tips on communicating with your spouse when going through a separation.

Communicating with your spouse during a separation can be challenging, however it is important to try to maintain open and respectful communication. If you have children together or need to make decisions about shared property or finances it is imperative that you are able to discuss these matters with your partner. Here are a few tips for communicating with your spouse during a separation:

  • Set clear boundaries: It’s important to set clear boundaries for your communication. Decide how often you will communicate and what topics are off-limits. This can help you avoid arguments and keep your discussions focused on what’s important.
  • Be respectful: Try to communicate with your partner in a respectful and courteous manner. Avoid name-calling, yelling, or using hurtful language, even if you’re feeling angry or frustrated.
  • Listen actively: When communicating with your partner, make sure to actively listen to what they have to say. This means giving them your full attention, asking questions, and paraphrasing what they’ve said to make sure you understand their perspective.
  • Keep your children in mind: If you have children together, it’s important to keep their needs in mind during your communication. Try to avoid arguing or discussing sensitive topics in front of your children and be mindful of the language you use when talking about their other parent.
  • Seek professional help: If you’re struggling to communicate with your partner, consider seeking the help of a mediator or therapist. They can help you work through your differences and find common ground in a neutral and supportive setting.

Remember, communication during a separation can be difficult, but it’s important to keep the lines of communication open and respectful to ensure a smooth transition for all involved. Book a FREE, 30-minute, joint, online consultation to learn more about the mediation process and how we can support you through your separation.

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